Debating with flair!

During my days at university I joined the Afro-Caribbean society. Amongst the events they organised were debates and talent shows. But what if someone came up with the ingenious idea of blending a debate show and a talent show? Well a good friend of mine from uni who also happened to be my one-time flatmate did just that. The result is The Flair Debate Show. Up till now I haven't taken part as I am not much of a public speaker. I usually shy away from these things. Mind you, I won a prize in a speech competition in school. Please note that this is a rare opportunity to big myself up and I sure am grabbing it with both hands! One day my friend invited me to one of the shows. My curiosity, coupled with my support for my buddy, made me accept the invitation. I booked online and paid about £9 for the ticket. On Sunday I went to the event. It took place at the Light E1 Bar which was not far from Liverpool Street station. However it took me half an hour to find it! The topic of the eve...