Taking risks.

Helen Keller once said that "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." In order to achieve success or satisfaction it is necessary to take various risks. In all aspects of our life we have to risk something. After all, as they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Like many people, I have ambitions. I would like to climb Mount Kilimanjaro or take up scuba diving but I know that in doing so there is a possibility that something will go horribly wrong and will threaten my life. However I think that it is worth risking my life as long as I have achieved a great feat or do something that I may enjoy. I would also like to start my own business by launching an online translation company but I wonder if it will become successful. If it is a failure then I will have risked my wealth for nothing. This is because in order to start a business you have to invest a lot of your money into it. If the business is a success then you will earn a lot of money. Because starting you...