Show review: The Play That Goes Wrong.

When my friend, who is a former colleague of mine, saw the play and told me that it was hilarious I knew I had to watch it. One of the reasons was that I wanted to find out if I shared his sense of humour. I finally watched it and I could see why my friend was so eager for me to book the ticket. My first thoughts of the play was that it was definitely like no other play I had seen. When I entered the theatre it rapidly became packed. That was a great indication of how popular the show was and how word had spread about it. After all the play won Best New Comedy at the 2015 Laurence Olivier Awards and I must say, it was well deserved. Before the show even started the crew of the play were frantically asking for the whereabouts of Winston the dog. They even asked members of the audience where the dog was but it was nowhere to be seen. A man from the audience was then roped into helping out fix the mantelpiece before the play began.The director then introduced the show...