Life reflection.
Later this year, I will turn 40. They say that life begins at 40. I say the path towards middle age begins at 40. I am beginning to realise that the youth which I possess and take for granted will begin to evade me and I find myself desperately clinging to it. What have I achieved? I ask myself. I have achieved some things but quite frankly not enough. As I near the end of my thirties, I have to give myself some advice. Advice 1 - do not rest on your laurels (or yannys if you heard about the latest social media debate). I have been in the same level job for over ten years and it is an administrative/support job. I can no longer afford to do that. The reason is that life and circumstances can change and I have to keep up with them. In the future I may end up with a family of my own and I need to be able to get a managerial or better paid job in order to support them. I need to go up the career ladder and not limit myself. I need to fulfil my ambitions and not just dream about them. I...