Show review: Garage Classical.

I have always liked classical music since I was 11 years old. I remember learning about various instruments of the orchestra and composers such as Handel and Bach. I am also a fan of garage music. I used to listen to DJ EZ on Kiss FM every Friday without fail. My favourite garage DJs are Todd Edwards and Jeremy Sylvester. So when I heard about a show which fused the two genres together I felt that all my Christmasses came at once. Now being a fan of garage music you would expect me to attend the Garage Nation festival but I would much rather prefer going to a jazz festival or an international music festival. I bought a ticket for Garage Classical and to my astonishment it sold out within 52 hours of release! The show is headlined by DJ Spoony, a member of the Dreem Teem. He is one of the pioneers of UK garage and has helped brought it from underground to the mainstream. One day DJ Spoony decided to collaborate with Katie Chatburn, an orchestra conductor. The first show came out i...