
Showing posts from July, 2023

Writer's blog 6.

I have started to write my first long script. This actually started because a friend of mine and our mutual friend decided to form a writer's club where we would meet weekly and discuss our writing. This has fallen by the wayside, unfortunately. However, it started to reignite my will to write. My friend is planning on being an author. I have read the first chapter of a book she is going to write and it is really good. I am looking forward to reading her first novel as a result. As for me, I don't write novels and so I started writing the first few scenes of my script which I hope will become a movie. But first, here is my timetable. Between now and the end of August this year, I hope to finish my treatment. That is screenwriter jargon for a summary of what the story is about. A treatment can be a few pages long. Once I have my treatment I can use it as a guideline to write my script. I normally write a three-page storyline before I write my shorter scripts so that I can refer ...