To travel or not to travel?

I have two big passions and they are shared by many people. One of them was covered in one of my previous blogs. The other will be touched on in this blog.

I have an ever-growing list of places I would like to visit and landmarks I would like to see before I kick the bucket. One of my classmates did a speech about the Taj Mahal. I looked at the pictures of the world famous mausoleum and saw how beautiful it was and I thought, "Wouldn't it be great if I saw it with my own eyes?" I first heard of Angkor Wat when I was playing Tekken on the Sony Playstation as the temple complex featured in the video game. OK so I play video games, don't judge me! I saw a programme where a middle-aged couple visited Macchu Picchu. I thought, "I would love to go there." There are other sights such as the Grand Canyon, the Great Wall of China and the Great Barrier Reef that I would like to see. Oh and I would love to see The Northern Lights!

If I were serious about travelling I would have done it during my gap year. Now I will have to wait until I am middle-aged, that is if I ever have children. If I don't have children then I am likely to travel in my forties but I don't think I would tour several countries at once unlike a few people I know.

The countries I have visited so far are Belgium, France, Serbia (of all places), the USA and of course, Ghana (where my parents are from). Not many, I know. It's the time and the money that restrict me. So why do people travel? Some say it's to get away from the mundane goings on in life. Others say that it is to seek new adventures and experience new things - to boldly go where no one has been before! Others want to learn about the history and the culture and to sample foreign cuisine.

If and when I finally get the opportunity to travel to the weird and wonderful places in this world I will update you in my future blogs and will let you know my experiences. Until then, goodbye!


  1. I'd like to go to Peru too and some of the other places you mention. How was Serbia? I think travelling is important and everyone should be able to do it and school years are a great time to do that. I've loved my trips abroad

  2. Serbia was great. I really enjoyed my time there. I do agree that travelling is important.


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