An introduction.

Hello peeps.

I am new to this blogging thing but first I will reveal a bit about myself. I am a thirty-something guy who is interested in writing and travelling. I will post my future writing and travelling ventures in my later blogs. I am currently an HR Professional but I am looking to do something with my French degree and study to become a translator. I would like to work abroad at some point. I then hope to start my own online translation agency. I have also written a few scripts for comics and films and will create a website next year to publish them online. I will reveal more about them in my future blogs.

So why turn to blogging? Some people see the process as cathartic as they deal with the emotions that go with everyday life. Others see it as an opportunity to showcase their writing skills. I see it as both but then there are other reasons that I am not aware of. Most mornings when I get up I find myself musing and pondering. I go to the bathroom and then I find myself musing and pondering some more. These thoughts will eventually find their way in my blogs.

What will I blog about?  Anything and everything. I will discuss books and films which I find enjoyable and thought-provoking. I will also talk about my future travels as well as my career aspirations. I may give my opinion on topics which are subject to debate as well as popular.

That's all for today. Ciao for now!


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